I'm serious. It's just fantastic. I highly recommend it, if you couldn't tell.
Anyways, I don't want to get the song confused with why I'm writing today. While the song is amazing, it ties into my thoughts and feelings a tad differently than what the meaning of the song actually is. For the song, it's about a breakup and about moving on. Which I do relate to. But in a deeper meaning. That's where I am in my life. Not just from being moved on from my ex, but from relationships (this includes friendships) in general that are toxic, or that have just become negative.
I met with a close friend recently. While we have different ideas and life paths right now, we are still close. I know that I can call her when I need her and she'll be there for me and vice versa. That's what I need in my life. People I can trust and love, unconditionally, but with guidelines. I know if I do something stupid, she'll call me out on it. If something doesn't seem right in her life, I voice my thoughts. But it comes from love. We're adults, and relationship dynamics change. Unfortunately, that means some people can't continue to be in your life.
The talk from her helped me realize that other relationships I might be fighting for, might not be worth it. And I've had to think long and hard about it. Not to say people don't make mistakes. We all do, and I'm very forgiving. But it's to the point that it can be a weakness of mine. I'm learning, to continue to be forgiving - as it is in my personality - but to also not be a door mat.
I've made a promise to myself to move on from relationships that are no longer healthy. To respect myself enough to realize if someone else isn't trying, that I can't try to make up for it.
It's a short one today, but something I felt the need to write. I've moved on from the most toxic relationship of my life, with my ex, and will continue to value myself enough to walk about from any type of relationship that is negative.
I'm giving you up
I've forgiven it all
You set me free-ee
We gotta let go of all of our ghosts
We both know we ain't kids no more